Did you make a new year's resolution?
I made only one this time -to read my Bible through - again.
I know people who have read it through every year for 35 years. Wow! That's awesome. They must have it memorized by now.
When I read it I discover so many new Hidden Treasures. This year I decided to take it a step further and journal. Each day I write the scripture that speaks directly to me. Some days there are several. Other days I pray the scripture if it applies.
The day I read about the garment that God commanded the priest to wear, I saw a Hidden Treasure. God told Moses to put the twelve names of the tribes of Israel on two stones to be attached to the shoulders of Aaron, the High Priest's garment. Also, put the names on the ephod that the Priest wore on his chest.
Aaron will carry their names before the Lord as a constant reminder. Ex. 28:12 b;If God wanted to see the names in writing maybe I should write my family members on a paper and hold it up to God when I pray for them. I know it's not our works that saves our family but faith in the blood of Jesus, yet when I wrote their names my faith grew stronger.
Read Exodus 28 for a full account.
I love sharing mine with you, but have you thought about reading the Bible through this year and find your own Hidden Treasures? You could share them with me!